The apprenticeship contract is approved by the ECTS coordinator of the home university and the coordinator of the foreign party. The apprenticeship contract document used for Erasmus+ travel, in original or electronic form, consists of three parts: a. The section that must be completed before mobility – contains a list of the educational components, the e.B. subjects that the student wishes to complete abroad (Table A) and that the home university has accepted, and a list of THE UEP subjects that are automatically credited to the student upon successful completion of the program indicated in Table A. Table B is an internal document of the sending university, so that the names of the subjects can be entered in Polish. b. The section to be completed during mobility – contains a list of subjects that have been removed and added with the reason for the amendment of the AL, as well as a list of subjects that will be replaced by educational components carried out abroad if these changes affect the scope of Table B.c. The section to be completed according to the results of the mobility recognition contains a list of the student`s achievements. It can be a separate document (transcript) issued by a foreign university within 5 weeks of the announcement of the results by the professors. The apprenticeship contract, which is used for other study trips, includes a simplified form (annex). Table D: Exceptional changes in all components to be replaced in the home institution – Changes in the coverage of home subjects in the external phase, which are credited on the basis of a study programme carried out abroad (in Table B) and invoiced on the basis of the transcript after returning from an Erasmus stay.
It is best to rewrite the entire table B to table D if there are changes (an object is disabled or added from/ to the counted one. For excluded subjects, an appendix to the ALS Curriculum Agreement should be created or amended. If the changes to Table B do not occur as a result of the changes shown in Table C, Table D may not be completed or marked with “bz.” = unchanged, “no change from Table B”. – Part completed during the stay abroad (usually we have 3-4 weeks for shifts). New responsible person in the sending/hosting institution – a new person who signs the LEA on the page of the sending/hosting institution (proof of a change in the Erasmus/ECTS coordinator`s documents). The apprenticeship contract must include all the learning outcomes that the student is expected to acquire during the exchange. The three parties who sign the apprenticeship contract undertake to respect all the agreed agreements and thus to ensure that the student receives recognition for the studies or internship carried out abroad without further recognition requirements. As regards student mobility for traineeships, the apprenticeship contract should specify how learning outcomes are recognised, depending on whether they are credited for the student`s diploma, on a voluntary basis (and not a compulsory part of the diploma) or carried out by a university graduate.
II. MODIFICATIONS PAR LA OU LES PERSONNES RESPONSABLES, le cas échéant – changes in the position of LAS signatories on the part of the home or host university (change of Erasmus/ECTS coordinator signing documents); We do not fulfill this point if there is no change in the coordinator`s position. The LA form for the UEP is signed by the ECTS Coordinator (,c10/wspolpraca-z-zagranica,c74/ects,c138/koordynatorzy-ects-na-uep,a753.html)! Students who participate in the Erasmus+ programme (study trips) fulfil the apprenticeship contract for Erasmus+ students Who study under bilateral agreements and complete other programmes fulfil the apprenticeship contract Attention! The transcript (lists of previous GRADES at the UEP) is created by the Office of Student Services (BOS) at the request of the student! If the document is to be issued in English, please indicate this when submitting your application to BOS. The learning contract for studies is an agreement between a student, their home university and a foreign university that specifies the course programme in which a student must participate at a partner university and the number of ECTS points awarded for their credit. Porozumienie jest podstawą uznania okresu studiów odbytego w zagranicznej uczelni. Dokument ten musi zostać podpisany przez wszystkie trzy strony przed wyjazdem studenta, a jego kopię powinna otrzymać każda ze stron. Do “Porozumienia” można wprowadzić zmiany pod warunkiem, że zostaną one zaakceptowane przez obie uczelnie i studenta (zmiany te powinny mieć formę pisemną). Amendments to the “Agreement” may be made provided that they are accepted by both the universities and the student (such amendments must be made in writing).
bilateral agreements, PIM, freemover, German-Polish Scientific Forum (and dual study programmes without Erasmus+ scholarship) Master`s students – changes must be reported by the virtual Dean`s Office (the procedure for submitting changes can be found on the DSM website; filling out the change form applies to all students, even those who do not report any changes). . . . AMENDMENTS TO THE ORIGINAL LEARNING CONTRACT – zmiany do oryginalnego (wyjściowego) porozumienia o programie zajęć realizowanych za granicą (LAS) For the mobility of students to study, the e-learning agreement becomes the norm, in line with the European Initiative on Student Cards. The OLA should describe in detail the learning outcomes that contribute to the student`s graduation after successfully completing the study abroad program. .