Is a Customer Contract an Intangible Asset

However, if Acquiring Co. concludes that the customer relationship with the sporting goods and electronics customer is distinct, Acquiring Co. will consider whether the customer relationship for electronics meets the severability criterion for identification as an intangible asset. Client Contracts and Related Client Relationships The interaction between intangible assets and business combinations is closely linked because a business combination is a unique type of accounting transaction that allows certain economic benefits not previously recognised in the financial statements to be reflected for the first time, often as intangible assets. In the context of a business combination, intangible assets developed internally by the acquired entity are recognised and recognised in the acquirer`s balance sheet, including separately identifiable intangible assets (e.B. Patents, customer lists) and goodwill. A business combination is the only balance sheet transaction that results in goodwill reported on the balance sheet (called “balance sheet goodwill”). In a sense, this interconnection was already recognized in 2001, when the FASB published SAF 141, business combinations, and 142, goodwill and other intangible assets. More than a decade has passed since the first edition of the dual set of standards, and several revisions, replacements and codifications have been published since then. Secret processes, methods and formulas: Often these assets are not patented and the valuation must be based on the benefits of the benefits or cost savings of the asset. Because these assets are volatile – secrets are precarious – an appraiser`s judgment often plays an important role in these valuations. ASU 2014-17 provides the acquired entity with the option to apply push-down accounting in its separate financial statements if the acquirer takes control of the acquired entity. In other words, if this option is chosen, the acquired entity will reflect in its individual financial statements the new tax bases of the assets and liabilities as recorded in the acquirer`s books.

This ASU also makes it possible to record goodwill in the books of the company acquired as part of a business combination – a significant change in accounting standards! For the first time, an acquired company is able to recognise internally generated intangible assets and goodwill as assets on its balance sheet. However, if the purchaser has recognised a gain from a discounted purchase, the acquired purchaser does not recognise a profit in its income statement in accordance with ASU 2014-17; instead, the acquired person reflects this profit as an adjustment to the additional paid-up capital. This update applies to public and private entities, as well as non-profit organizations. ASU 2015-08, released in May 2015, provides additional guidance on push-down accounting, primarily to streamline wording with SEC paragraphs in accordance with pushdown accounting in Personnel Accounting Bulletin No. 115. This ASU did not make any significant changes in the treatment of pushdown accounting. The cash flow attributable to the client`s asset is isolated from the estimated result by measuring the non-contributory expenses for the other assets of the company concerned. As mentioned earlier, a number of other assets need to be present for companies to derive value from customer-related assets. Contributory fees represent an economic rent that corresponds to the returns and returns on assets needed to produce goods or services marketed to customers. In addition, ASC 360 Property, Plant and Equipment sets out procedures for verifying the impairment of long-lived assets (including intangible assets related to customers) held and used or assets held for sale or disposal.

Technical libraries and other specialized information repositories: Many libraries contain almost irreplaceable material and can be extremely difficult to create. These assets are often valued based on the cost of restoring them, minus losses due to obsolescence. 4.2 Intangible Assets: Identifiable Criteria (Business Combinations) Improvements to the hereditary construction right acquired as part of a business combination are amortized over the shorter useful life of the assets and the remaining lease period at the time of acquisition. However, where the lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee, or where the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise an option to purchase the underlying asset, the lessee amortizes the improvements to the hereditary building right until the end of its useful life. Proprietary lists: Many types of lists, e.B. customer or subscription lists, are often compiled, bought, or sold for internal use. Lists are especially useful when they represent ongoing business relationships. For example, if a newspaper receives 80% of its advertising revenue from companies on a customer list, that list is an important business tool. Values can be based on the replacement cost of a list or the repeated sales generated. ASC Topic 820, “Fair Value Assessments and Disclosures,” provides guidance on the three approaches used to determine fair value: the market approach, the cost-based approach, and the revenue-based approach.
